PODCAST | China and Trump’s election victory, with Jude Blanchette and Katja Drinhausen

MERICS Podcast | What will the renewed election of Donald Trump to the White House mean for the United States’ already complicated relations with China? How does China discuss Trump, both on an informal and expert level, but also in the official realm? And how does all of this concern the EU and member states? To answer these questions Claudia Wessling, Director Communications and Publications at MERICS, talks to Jude Blanchette and Katja Drinhausen. Jude is one of the most outstanding US experts on China. He holds the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington. Katja is the Head of the MERICS program researching China’s politics and society. Her research focuses on the development of China’s legal and governance system.

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